चिंब भिजलो काल आभाळ मन भरून कोसळले
अगणित धारा बरसल्या त्यांचे गणितही विसरले
गुपित आहे फक्त तुझं आणि माझं, पण
तुझ्या आठवणींचे दोन थेंब या गलावरूनही ओघळले
Me and my bootstrapped (?google it!) thoughts. I usually pic a random topic. And brainstorm on it. I try to be as unbiased as possible. (change para) I believe that we pretend to be someone than being what we are. Asking myself 'who am I?' I find myself deep in the thoughts, buried under tons of layers of restrictions. I try to find me. Using these random thoughts lets build a stairway to heaven in a journey to find true self.